

The book of Acts provides a historical account of the growth and expansion of the early church, and shows the Holy Spirit carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ through the Apostles. As the church grew, servants (deacons) were chosen to tend to peoples' needs so the Apostles could focus on prayer and teaching the Word of God. As the church expanded, elders were appointed to oversee the local churches and continue the work of the Apostles.

We follow the biblical model of Acts, and adhere to the authoritative wisdom shared in the epistles. Our goal is "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:12), in order to fulfill our mission:

Desert Winds Community Church exists to reach unchurched people in the Antelope Valley and the unreached of the world, helping them to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


We help members to Christian maturity by supporting them physically with Christ’s love through His called servants, nourishing them spiritually with the word of God, and building discipling relationships for continued development of a Jesus-shaped life (Discipleship).

Members commit to:


Our Ministering Deacons lead through service, providing an example of Christian maturity to follow. They tend to the needs of the church by maintaining the facilities, managing its use, and administering the finances. They tend to the needs of our people with hospitality and benevolence. They are peacemakers, seeking any cause of division and fostering agreement to protect the unity of our church. They support the elders by carrying out tasks necessary to allow prayer and ministry to remain their primary focus.

Their commitment is to:


Our Ministering Elders serve by leading. They model Christian maturity. They ensure the messages given to our people are scripturally sound, relevant to our current situation, and relevant to our mission. They administer the sacraments of baptism and communion to keep our members connected to God and spiritually healthy. They teach the Word to promote spiritual growth to Christian maturity. They shepherd God’s flock by seeking the lost, tending to the sick or injured, and correcting the errant. They pray for our church, joining Jesus in asking the Father for his grace and mercy to be given in abundance to our members.

Their commitment is to:


We Believe . . . 

See the Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession, and The Canons of Dort for a more in-depth theological understanding of what we believe.